Welcome the the Candied Tunes web app!

The Candied Tunes app was conceived by Musicians, Fans and Technologists as a way for fans to digitally interact with Musicians while they are performing at a show, by requesting songs, sending tips, signing up for emails and much more.

There are two persona's, 1: The Audience, and 2: The Musician.

Audience users can:

  • View the Musicians Playlist
  • Request songs
  • Tip the artist
  • View upcoming shows
  • Learn more about the band and.or performing artist bio
  • Sign up for emails
  • ...and much more!

Musician's can interactively view requested songs, tip amounts, while gigging, and perform a variety of Management features, such as:

  • Song Management:
    • View song requests and tip amounts from the Audience
    • Reset the Playlist after the show ends
    • Add new songs to the playlist
    • Remove songs from the playlist
    • Update a songs information such as the main instrument, song name or artist name
  • Show Management:
    • Add a show to your list of shows
    • Remove a show
    • Update a shows information such as the date, location, time and notes
  • Admin:
    • Update the bands or artist Bio
    • Create and send fans an email

There is also an Auth0 login feature which is used to identify Musicians and sign-up Audience users so they can receive emails, etc

Production Link:

Technologies Used:

  • Javascript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • HTML
  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • React JS
  • MongoDB
  • HTML / CSS
  • Auth0
  • Vite


App Flow

App Landing Page - All Users

User Requests Song

Musician Tools

Musician Add Song

Musician Delete Song

Musician Requested Song View

Acknowledgments/References/Source Material

  • Contributing Artist: Candie Tremblay

Future Enhancements/Releases:

  • Authentication updates / protected routes
  • Bug fixes
  • Shows feature
  • Tip system/ payment gateway integration
  • About/Bio
  • Email feature
  • socket-io for song request handling