Software Engineering Portfolio

Hi, and welcome to my Software Engineer Portfolio Project Repo! I am a long time tech professional who began their dev career in legacy/enterprise systems (IBM zOS Mainframe) and programming languages such as COBOL, CICS and DB2. In 2023 I enrolled in a Software Engineering Immersive bootcamp which allowed me to retool my dev skillset and pivot to modern day frameworks and languages such as Express, React, Mongoose, MongoDB, Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS and much more.

This project is built off the React framework, and leverages Javascript as the backbone programming language. It is representative of the material presented in the SEI bootcamp.

Production Deployment Link:

Technologies used in this project:

  • React Framework
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • HTML


  • Various Youtube videos and google searches to build the carousel

References for source material/inspiration

Future enhancements/features