AutoGen: YouTube research

Set up

Getting Autogenstudio running

Install autogenstudio with a conda environment as shown here

  1. git clone ___
  2. cd auto-gen-youtube-research
  3. $ conda activate autogenstudio
  4. $ export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-...
  5. $ autogenstudio ui
  6. Go to the localhost site given in the terminal for autogenstudio

Adding the YouTube research skills

You can then go to the Build tab and then Skills section. Add the skills you want from the /skills directory:

  • youtube_stats: Get the channel stats from a youtube account username. This also returns the channel ID which is needed to get recent videos
  • youtube_videos: Get the title and URL for most recent videos from a channel. Uses the channel_id from youtube_stats.
  • download_video: Download the audio for a youtube video which can then be transcribed
  • youtube_transcription: Transcribe the audio from a youtube video using a local version of Whisper (MUST ALSO INCLUDE download_video skill)
  • transcribe_api: Transcribe the audio from a youtube video using an API for Whisper (MUST ALSO INCLUDE download_video skill)

Note: If you run into memory errors when running Whisper locally (it may say "exit code 137") then use the API version in transcribe_api. Make sure you also provide an API key using "export WHISPER_API_KEY=..." before opening up autogenstudio.

Google Sheets integration

Go to Google Cloud Console -> Create a new project -> In your project, go to “APIs & Services” > “Dashboard” -> Click “+ ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES” -> Search for “Google Sheets API” and enable it -> In “APIs & Services”, go to “Credentials” -> Click “Create Credentials” > “Service account” -> Fill in the fields and click “Create” -> Assign the service account the role "Editor" so that it has permissions to access Google Sheets -> Go to the service account, and under “Keys”, click “Add Key” > “Create new key” > “JSON” -> Open the downloaded .JSON file and copy the contents

In the JSON you will see a field called "client_email". You must go to the spreadsheet you wish to upload to and share to this email with permissions to edit.

The upload_dict_to_google_sheet skill in takes spreadsheet_id as an argument. You can get this from the URL of the spreadsheet from the middle of the URL: COPY THIS ID /edit?=...

When you copy the "upload_dict_to_google_sheet" function from skills/ file, make sure to paste this key into where it says "creds_json = " There is an example commented out to show you, delete this when copying into autogen studio.

Troubleshooting / FAQ

Some notes of why something might not be working:

  • The skill must be saved with the same name as the function in the code e.g. for skills/ the skill must be saved as "get_channel_stats"
  • When you make a change to a skill you must then delete and re-add it for the agent in your existing workflows AS WELL as delete and re-add it for the agent template
  • When testing in the playground you must create a new session with your workflow, changes will not update to existing sessions