By John Papa Pluralsight 28 Aug 2015
- Built using Electron - formerly known as Atom Shell made by GitHub
- Uses Squirrel for application updates
- FirstMate for TextMate syntax bundle support
- Behind it is Chromium, Node JS, TypeScript Server and OmniSharp Roslyn
- Written by Erich Gamma and Chris Dias (who also wrote the online editor Monaco)
File > Auto Save = Toggles the Auto Save feature
To start VSCode from the shell use:
- Shift + Ctrl + P = Command Palette
- code . = open Code for the current folder
- code index.html -r = opens file in the last active instance
- code src/another/app -n = open file in a new instance
- code -g src/client/app/home.controller.js:10:8 u
Other shortcuts:
- Ctrl + <n> = Take the cursor to the <n>th tab that you have open