
Appel remade in C++ for PSP systems

Primary LanguageC

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2022 noodles

Appel, recoded in C++ for PSP systems!

## todo
port most or all levels from the appel game

## building
open a terminal in the src directory and type "make". itll make a EBOOT.pbp file for you to play

## putting on your psp
make a new folder in your psp's GAME folder, and call it anything you'd remember. put the assets folder in the new folder, as well as eboot.pbp. teeworlds psp should be there
when the game is installed.

## credits
Iridescence's Shadow Engine for audio (https://github.com/IridescentRose/Shadow-Engine)
griffpatch for Tile-based platformer tutorials (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/griffpatch)
glib2d by libcg (https://github.com/libcg/gLib2D)
Appel by Scratch user griffpatch (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/60917032/)
paint.net by paint.net team (https://www.getpaint.net/download.html)