
A very primitive but hopefully self-educational CPU in Verilog

Primary LanguageVerilog

CPU - A primitive but hopefully self-educational CPU in Verilog

The aim of project is to teach myself some Verilog. A CPU is a rather large challenge, but I know it is one that is often featured in computer science classes -- just not the ones I took!

The CPU design is based on various naive conceptions I've had in my brain for the past couple of decades, plus what I recall of the MIPS architecture from Patterson and Hennessy that we studied in a (purely theoretical) computer design class. I have intentionally avoided learning too much about how CPUs are supposed to be written in Verilog, because there is more satisfaction in creating something flawed but original than in merely copying someone else's perfect design.


The CPU is generally 16-bit: that is the width of registers, the size of each instruction word (and size of instruction memory locations), and the size of data memory locations.

An instruction word is four 4-bit nibbles, which may be treated as register names or values (including big values). The three forms of instruction are:

OpCode Reg1 BigVal
OpCode Reg1 Reg2 SmallVal
OpCode Reg1 Reg2 Reg3

There are sixteen 16-bit registers, named by the four bits in each of Reg1, Reg2, or Reg3.


Instructions are executed in a series of stages, with one stage being executed on each cycle. The stages are as follows.

IF   Instruction Fetch
RL   Register Load
AL   ALU Operation
ML   Memory/Port Load
MS   Memory/Port Store
RS   Register Store
IA   Instruction Adjust


  • T is the target register
  • S, S1, S2 are source registers
  • SV is a small value (4 bits)
  • BV is a big value (8 bits)

This table shows the opcode, name, parameters, and stage lifecycle for each operation.

0-7   ALU Op      T S1 S2   IF, RL, AL, RS, IA
8     Load        T S SV    IF, RL, ML, RS, IA   Load R1 from memory location R2+SV
9     Store       S T SV    IF, RL, MS, IA       Store R1 to memory location R2+SV
A     Port In     T S SV    IF, RL, ML, RS, IA   Read R1 from port R2+SV
B     Port Out    S T SV    IF, RL, MS, IA       Write R1 to port R2+SV
C     Jump        - BV      IF, IA               Jump to relative offset BV
D     Branch      T BV      IF, RL, IA           If R1 != 0, jump to relative offset BV
E     Load Low    T BV      IF, RL, RS, IA       Set low byte of R1 to BV
F     Load High   T BV      IF, RL, RS, IA       Set high byte of R1 to BV

The register stack can load two registers at once. For most instructions these will be in the R2 and R3 positions. For some it will be R1 and R2: Store, Port Out, Branch, Load Low, Load High.

The register stack can save a register; this will always be taken from R1.

ALU Operations

Each ALU operation takes the values of R2 and R3 as inputs, and stores the result of the operation in R1.

This table shows the ALU operations by ALU op (the low 3 bits of the opcode).

0   Add             Add R2 and R3
1   Subtract        Subtract R3 from R2
2   Multiply        Multiply R2 and R3
3   Set Less Than   1 if R2 < R3, 0 otherwise
4   And             Bitwise AND of R2 and R3
5   Or              Bitwise OR of R2 and R3
6   XOR             Bitwise XOR of R2 and R3
7   Shift           Left shift R2 by R3 bits (R3 can be negative)

Features and limitations

Ports can be used for input/output to arbitrary hardware. In simulation or interpretation, writing to port 0 will halt the machine. A port will be used to write to the seven segment display, and ports will be connected to other inputs/outputs on the machine.

Control flow consists of JMP and BR commands, to relative offsets. No access to the instruction pointer, and no way to jump to a register. The program cannot know where it is located in memory, and can only transfer control to specified locations. This means general subroutines cannot be used, since the subroutine has no way to return control to the caller.

No read or write access to instruction memory. Program is loaded at reset.

Instructions take different numbers of clocks cycles to execute. Some parts of execution are unnecessarily done in series rather than parallel.

Supporting programs

interp.py is an interpreter, which executes programs written for the CPU. It follows approximately the same design, with the same stages for each instruction.

asm.py will be a simple assembler, so that programs can be written in a more human-friendly form rather than in pure machine code.

Future plans

The CPU has only been tested in the simulator. Changes may be required to get it running on the FPGA. Related to this is that many parts of it are inefficient in terms of required logic. For instance, it decides how to load registers based on whether the instruction is one of 5 arbitrary 4-bit codes; whereas a more efficient design would decide based on whether a single bit in the instruction was set.

Ports are not generally wired to hardware yet. The seven segment display driver is not complete.

Memory is not implemented yet. Access to memory may require more than one clock cycle, so additional stages for memory operations may be added.

Instruction memory is currently in registers. It should be in actual memory.

It is not certain how the program will be loaded when running on the FPGA. It is likely the CPU will need a bootstrap mode that reads the program from an IO device, or finds it in ROM.

The semantics of some operations are not fully specified. For instance, whether arithmetic is signed or unsigned.