
This repository holds the code for the paper

A Causal Counterfactual Graph Neural Network for Arising-from-Chair Abnormality Detection in Parkinsonians

All the materials released in this library can ONLY be used for RESEARCH purposes and not for commercial use.

The authors' institution (Biomedical Image and Health Informatics Lab, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University) preserve the copyright and all legal rights of these codes.

Author List

Xinlu Tang, Rui Guo, Chencheng Zhang, Xiaohua Qian *


Our code is based on Python3.9 There are a few dependencies to run the code. The major libraries we depend are

set up

conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

Attention: Please run this project on linux. In different pytorch environment, the model may obtain different results.

quickly start

run the by this command:

python --config ./train_causal.yaml

The results will be saved in ./result folder.


For any question, feel free to contact

Xinlu Tang :