
Simple solution to index and search databases using Examine

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


ExamineDB allows you to index SQL server data using examine based on a defined query in the configuration. Examine is much faster to query than SQL server so it improves the speed of your website.


Simply install Examine DB by NuGet command "Install-Package ExamineDB"


To configure Examine DB add the following configuration snippets to the Examine config files.


Add the following configuration snippet to your ExamineIndex.config.

<IndexSet SetName="DBIndexerIndexSet" IndexPath="~/App_Data/TEMP/ExamineIndexes/{machinename}/DBIndexer/" />


Configure the indexer by the following snippet

<add name="DBIndexer" type="ExamineDB.Indexers.DBIndexer, ExamineDB"
        sql="SELECT * FROM Production.Product"
        singleRecordSQL = "SELECT * FROM Production.Product where productId = @0"
        primaryKeyField = "productId"/>

####Configuration attributes explained####

  • Indexset, correspondents with the IndexSet we configure in ExamineIndex.config
  • nodeType, sets the nodeType
  • connectionStringName, correspondents with the configured connectionstring defined in web.config. This connectionstring will be used to retrieve the data.
  • sql. The SQL statement that we use to get all the data.
  • singleRecordSQL. The SQL used to retrieve a single record form the database. Make sure the primary key parameter is passed in as @0 and make sure to retrieve the same columns as the normal sql statement.
  • primaryKeyField. The column in the results that contain the primary key value.

Configure the searcher by the following snippet

<add name="DBSearcher" type="UmbracoExamine.UmbracoExamineSearcher, UmbracoExamine"   indexSet="DBIndexerIndexSet" />


Once you configured the indexer correctly and the index contains items you can query the index using the Examine API. See the Examine documentation for full API syntax.

var searcher = ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["DBSearcher"];
var searchCriteria = searcher.CreateSearchCriteria();
var query = searchCriteria.Field("Name", "paint").Compile();
var searchResults = searcher.Search(query);

	@foreach (var item in searchResults)


##API## ExamineDB comes with a small management API to rebuild a complete index, or part of the index.

Rebuild a complete index ExamineDB.Helpers.IndexHelper.RebuildIndex("IndexName here");

Remove a single item from the index ExamineDB.Helpers.IndexHelper.DeleteFromIndex("Id here", "IndexName here");

Re-index a single node ExamineDB.Helpers.IndexHelper.DeleteFromIndex("Id here", "IndexName here");

Test in Umbraco

The Examine DB Umbraco tester comes with a dashboard control that allows you to use the above API. Simply install Examine DB UmbracoTester by NuGet command "Install-Package ExamineDB.UmbracoTester"

After install you need to add the following snippet to dashboard.config file

<section alias="ExamineDBDashboardSection">
	<tab caption="ExamineDB">