
https://github.com/daliansky/OC-little | Daliansky's guide Translated into English

Primary LanguageC++

OpenCore 0.5+ part patch

August 26 update


Make this part patch according to the requirements and recommendations of OpenCore 0.5

main content

  • ACPI Binary Rename
  • Preset variable method
  • Injected X86
  • Counterfeit EC
  • OC-PNLF injection method
  • SBU (SMBU) patch
  • PS2 keyboard mapping @ OC-xlivans
  • Keyboard emergency solution PS2N
  • Add missing parts
  • OC I2C-TPXX patch method
  • OC battery (TP)
  • Disable EHCx
  • PTSWAK Comprehensive Patch and Extension Patch
  • PNP0C0E Forced sleep
  • 0D6D patch

For the convenience of use, we have compiled a list of some drivers.

  • config-Lilu-SMC-WEG-ALC driver list
  • config-PS2 keyboard driver list
  • config-I2C list of prohibited native drivers
  • config-I2C driver list
  • config-BCM Wireless Bluetooth Driver List

Reserved items

  • Renamed operating system patches
  • Brightness shortcut patch


538643249 OpenCore technical exchange group [click into group] (// shang.qq.com/wpa/qunwpa?idkey=39aee9ea4d248cd6fe1e4e57e79551c5cbf85af615d55be08a364fd7c213c906)


  • Special thanks to: ACX Component Patch for OpenCore]