
paginated-data api endpoint

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Paginated Data Demo


1. Get all albums

  • Request URL: "https://3toz8l.sse.codesandbox.io/albums"

  • HTTP Method: GET

  • Response Body:

        "info": {
            "count": Number,
            "pages": Number
        albums: Array
  • Functionality: This API call gets all albums from the database.

2. Get paginated albums

  • Request URL: "https://3toz8l.sse.codesandbox.io/albums/?page=<page_number>"

  • HTTP Method: GET

  • Response Body:

        "info": {
            "count": Number,
            "pages": Number
            "prev": String | Null,
            "next": String | Null
        albums: Array
  • Functionality: This API call gets 5 albums per page based on the specified <page_number>.