
Tool to extract source cutouts from a collection of FITS astronomical images

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Tool to extract source cutouts from a collection of FITS astronomical images


This software is distributed with GPLv3 license. If you use scutout for your research, please add repository link or acknowledge authors in your papers.


To install the package with pip from PyPi:

pip install scutout

To build and install the package from source:

  • Clone this repository or download the tar file of the desired release;
  • Create a local install directory, e.g. $INSTALL_DIR;
  • Add installation path to your PYTHONPATH environment variable:
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$INSTALL_DIR/lib/python2.7/site-packages
  • Build and install package:
    python setup install --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR

All dependencies will be automatically downloaded and installed in $INSTALL_DIR.

To use package scripts:

  • Add binary directory to your PATH environment variable:
    export PATH=$PATH:$INSTALL_DIR/bin


To run source cutout tool:

  • Prepare a configuration file (e.g. config.ini) with desired options (e.g. workdir, data paths, cutout search options, etc). A sample config file (.ini format) is provided in the config directory. Supported options are:


    • workdir: Work directory where to place cutout files. Default: current directory
    • keep_tmpfiles: To keep or remove tmp files produced per each source. Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: yes


    • survey: List of surveys to be searched, separated by commas. For each searched survey you must provide the path to metadata (e.g. a .tbl table produced by Montage mImgtbl task). Valid values: {first, nvss, mgps, vgps, sgps, cornish, glostar, glostar_ch[1-9], scorpio_atca_2_1, scorpio_askap15_b1, scorpio_askap36_b123, scorpio_askap36_b123_ch[1-5], askap_emu_pilot2_b1, meerkat_gps, meerkat_gps_ch[1-14], askap_racs, thor, thor_ch[1-6], irac_3_6, irac_4_5, irac_5_8, irac_8, mips_24, higal_70, higal_160, higal_250, higal_350, higal_500, wise_3_4, wise_4_6, wise_12, wise_22, atlasgal, atlasgal_planck, msx_8_3, msx_12_1, msx_14_7, msx_21_3, custom_survey}.
    • use_same_radius: Use the source radius given in source_radius option instead of the radius provided in input file. Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: no
    • source_radius: Source radius in arcsec used by default if no radius is given in the input file. Default: 300"
    • cutout_factor: Used to compute cutout size as 2 x source_radius x cutout_factor. Default: 5
    • multi_input_img_mode: Method used to deal with multiple input image found in a given survey. Valid values: {best,mosaic,first}. Best takes the image in which the given source is better covered. Mosaic performs a mosaic of the available images found. This option is slower and was found to crash occasionally. First takes the first image available regardless of the source coverage. Default: best
    • convert_to_jy_pixel: To convert cutout image units in Jy/pixels. Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: yes
    • subtract_bkg: Subtract background from image (done before reprojection). Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: no
    • regrid: To regrid cutouts to same projection (aligned to North): Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: yes
    • convolve: To convolve cutouts to same resolution. Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: yes
    • crop: To crop cutouts around source position to have final images with same number of pixels. Valid values: {yes|no}. Default: yes
    • crop_size: Cropped image size in pixels. Default: 200


    • bkg_estimator: Estimator used to compute the background. Valid values: {median|sigmaclip}. Default: sigmaclip
    • bkg_inner_radius_factor: Factor used to compute the background annulus inner radius R1= R_source x factor. Default: 1.1
    • bkg_outer_radius_factor: Factor used to compute the background annulus outer radius R2= R_source x factor. Default: 1.2
    • bkg_max_nan_thr: Max fraction of NAN pixels in background annulus above which bkg calculation fails. In this case the background is set to 0. Default: 0.1


    • metadata: Path to Montage table (.tbl file produced with Montage mImgtbl task) containing survey FITS file list and metadata. Specify an option block per each survey XXX, where XXX can be: {FIRST, NVSS, MGPS, VGPS, SGPS, CORNISH, GLOSTAR, GLOSTAR_CH[1-9], APEX_ATLASGAL, APEX_ATLASGAL_PLANCK, SCORPIO_ATCA_2_1_DATA, SCORPIO_ASKAP15_B1, SCORPIO_ASKAP36_B123, SCORPIO_ASKAP36_B123_CH[1-5], ASKAP_EMU_PILOT2_B1, MEERKAT_GPS, MEERKAT_GPS_CH[1-14], ASKAP_RACS, THOR, THOR_CH[1-6], WISE_3_4, WISE_4_6, WISE_12, WISE_22, SPITZER_IRAC3_6, SPITZER_IRAC4_5, SPITZER_IRAC5_8, SPITZER_IRAC8, SPITZER_MIPS24, HERSCHEL_HIGAL70, HERSCHEL_HIGAL160, HERSCHEL_HIGAL250, HERSCHEL_HIGAL350, HERSCHEL_HIGAL500, MSX_8_3, MSX_12_1, MSX_14_7, MSX_21_3, CUSTOM_SURVEY}
  • Prepare an ascii file (e.g. sources.dat) with source sky positions for cutout extraction. File shall be given with the following header and space-delimited columns:

    ra1 dec1 r1 sname1
    ra2 dec2 r2 sname2
    ... ... ... ...
    ... ... ... ...


    • RA column (mandatory): Source right ascension in degrees
    • DEC column (mandatory): Source declination in degrees
    • RADIUS column (optional): Source radius in arcsec. If not given a default source radius (source_radius option) will be used
    • OBJNAME column (mandatory): Source name identifier, used as basis to create source cutout sub-directory
  • Run cutout search:
    $INSTALL_DIR/bin/run_scutout.py --config=config.ini --filename=sources.dat


To run unit tests, enter into scutout directory and type:

python -m unittest -v tests.test_utils

or, if coverage library is installed:

coverage run --source=scutout -m unittest -v tests.test_utils