This ioBroker adapter is the next Version of the energiefluss with the attribute 'erweitert' and allows to display an energyflow animation inside an iframe or HTML DIV.
- arteckGermany
- bolliymante-it
- c1328
- Dirk-I
- djamn
- Eldron81
- Elektrofix-OLOldenburg, Germany
- Franzformator
- gbackus
- GermanBluefoxioBroker GmbH
- Ilovegym66tecmania-systems
- irudiBerlin, Germany
- isi07
- Issr4k
- JuicytronicJuicytronic
- kago76Germany
- kantega-ea
- kopierschnitte
- L1brTy
- litzelitze
- Luapsi
- Lub103
- maloross
- manny4566
- markus397
- Rincewind0
- romsch1
- SKB-CGNGermany
- skipperkmGermany
- soundserie
- sperrgebietAustria
- TbsJah
- TJHooker
- TomComm27
- umbmGermany
- XBiT2k