This script provides a simple way to monitor your system's CPU, memory, disk usage, and network activity using zsh on macOS. It collects and displays these metrics in a report format.
The shebang (#!) specifies the path to the zsh interpreter. This tells the system to use zsh to execute the script.
get_cpu_usage() {
local cpu_usage=$(top -l 1 | grep "CPU usage" | awk '{print $3 + $5}')
echo "CPU Usage: $cpu_usage%"
- top -l 1: Runs the top command in batch mode and outputs one iteration of the report.
- grep "CPU usage": Filters the output to lines containing "CPU usage".
- awk '{print $3 + $5}': Uses awk to sum the user and system CPU usage percentages (assuming top output format).
- echo "CPU Usage: $cpu_usage%": Prints the calculated CPU usage.
get_memory_usage() {
local mem_used=$(vm_stat | grep 'Pages active' | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//')
local mem_free=$(vm_stat | grep 'Pages free' | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\.//')
local mem_total=$(vm_stat | grep 'Pages wired down' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\.//')
mem_total=$((mem_total + mem_used + mem_free))
local mem_usage=$(echo "scale=2; ($mem_used + $mem_total)*4/1024/1024" | bc)
echo "Memory Usage: $(($mem_used*4/1024)) MB / $((($mem_used + $mem_total)*4/1024)) MB ($mem_usage%)"
- vm_stat: Provides virtual memory statistics.
- grep 'Pages active': Filters output for active memory pages.
- awk '{print $3}': Extracts the number of active pages.
- sed 's/.//': Removes the trailing period from the number.
- Calculations: Adds up memory pages (active, free, wired) and converts to MB.
- bc: Basic calculator for floating-point arithmetic. echo: Prints the memory usage.
get_disk_usage() {
local disk_usage=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}')
echo "Disk Usage: $disk_usage"
- df -h /: Displays disk space usage for the root directory in human-readable format.
- awk 'NR==2 {print $5}': Extracts the usage percentage from the second line.
- echo "Disk Usage: $disk_usage": Prints the disk usage.
get_network_activity() {
local net_activity=$(netstat -ib | awk '/en0/{print "In: " $7/1024 " KB, Out: " $10/1024 " KB"}')
echo "Network Activity: $net_activity"
- netstat -ib: Displays network statistics including interface information.
- awk '/en0/{print "In: " $7/1024 " KB, Out: " $10/1024 " KB"}': Filters for en0 interface and calculates KB from bytes for input and output.
- echo "Network Activity: $net_activity": Prints the network activity.
monitor_system() {
echo "System Monitoring Report"
echo "-------------------------"
echo "-------------------------"
- echo "System Monitoring Report": Prints the report header.
- Function Calls: Executes each function to collect and print system metrics.
- echo "-------------------------": Prints a separator.
Run the monitoring function monitor_system
This calls the monitor_system function to execute the monitoring tasks and print the report.
- Save the Script: Save the above script as system_monitor.zsh.
- Make Executable: Run chmod +x system_monitor.zsh to make the script executable.
- Run the Script: Execute the script by running ./system_monitor.zsh.
- CPU Usage: 32.91%
- Memory Usage: 2247 MB / 6320 MB (6.17%)
- Disk Usage: 23%
- Network Activity: In: 4.42007e+06 KB, Out: 263458 KB