You can view the design here.
AKAN NAMES help users generate Akan tribe names with respect to date of birth, Current version March 2022
The AKAN tribe is famous for their naming process. They name their offsprings according to the day they were born which is believed to be impactful to the bearer. The app aids in the process of naming since with time traditions have deteroriated and technology has improved so it bridges the gap.
-Given I'm in the landing page, -I click on the generate button when I hover, -or click on menu icon and select generate, -I input correct birthday value and gender. -Given I input date without gender, -Alert prompt will ask me to input gender. -Given I input gender without date, -Alert prompt will ask me to input date. -My Akan name will be generated!
- Harp on to your browser,
- type in the webs Url,
- click the menu bar,
- or simply click the generate button when you hover,
- fill in the form and generate. The app is entirely independent and contains the names to be displayed accotding to their respectful days of the week. The app is simple to use and is friendly to mobile phone users.
No currently know bugs.
To create the best experience for users, the app incoporates HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
To add on to the inner workings of the web, or simply reach out to me, email me.
The app is open source and in compliance with MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 {Samuel Hinga}