Hi there
I'm Surekha Ramireddy ,a Data Scientist
Won First Medal in Kaggle 'Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression Competition' Talking about Personal Stuffs:
🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced techniques in Deep Learning..👯 I’m looking to collaborate on more projects in AI .🤔 I’m currently doing some research on Data Science in Agriculture📫 Reach me out here surekhasurekha1679@gmail.com
Projects and Dev Stuffs:
Recently Completed Projects:
💻 Projects
🌟 Stars
🍴 Forks
🐛 Issues
🔔 Pull Requests
👨💻 Language
👨🏻💻 Diaetics Prediction
🐛 Melanoma Prediction
💸 Heart-Disease-Prediction
💸 Face-Counting-