
My warm flux[box] configuration files


My warm flux[box] configuration files you can see preview at DeviantArt

Here you can find:

/.fluxbox: FLUXBOX configuration files and modified <a href="http://fav.me/duhms9">AXONKOLOR</a> theme by <a href="http://thrynk.deviantart.com/">thrynk</a>

/.fonts: fonts I'm using

/.mpd: mpd configuration files -->> you need to edit those to work for your installation

/.nano -> nano source highlighting

/.ncmpcpp: NCMPCPP -> configuration files

/.theme -> Artista theme modified version of my CathexiS gtk2 and gtk3 themes

.conkyrc: .conkyrc script by me

.bashrc -> my bash PS1 configuration

.nanorc and /.nano -> nano editor configuration include source highlight scripts

.Xdefaults -> color definitions for terminal apps -> you need urxvt terminal to make it work best

.xinitrc -> starting all at boot