
Construction job board application with MySQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A job posting website where contractors can post jobs for positions they need filled in order to complete their construction project and also apply for jobs posted.

User Story

AS A construction contractor,
I WANT to post job listings for construction projects that I am unable to complete on my own due to a lack of specific knowledge or expertise,
SO THAT I can connect with skilled professionals who can help me complete these projects successfully.

Acceptence Criteria

GIVEN I am a registered user.
WHEN I log in to my account.
THEN I should be able to access my dashboard.
WHEN I am logged in.
THEN I can create a new job listing with the project's title, description, location, budget, and required skills.
WHEN I create a job listing,
THEN I should be able to specify a deadline.
WHEN I have created a job listing,
THEN I should be able to modify its details.
WHEN I no longer need assistance with the project.
THEN I should be able to delete the job listing.
WHEN I browse the site.
THEN I can view job listings with titles, locations, budgets, required skills, and deadlines.
WHEN I search for job listings using keywords, location, budget range, or required skills.
THEN I should see relevant search results.
WHEN I apply for a job,
THEN I should be able to send my application.
WHEN I view my Dashboard,.
THEN I should see my name, contact information, and a list of job listings I've posted or applied to.


This application is a website that contractors can use to post and apply for construction jobs based on qualifications, needs, and disciplines. We created this application to make it fast and easy for contractors to get the help they need to complete their job. Users will be able to post, delete, and edit job listings, view recent listings, apply for listings, and search job listings. Challenges we faced were creating the databases, making the website interactive, pushing and merging branches without conflicts, and putting to use the knowledge of front-end and back-end coding.

The tech we used to create this application are:

  • Bcrypt
  • Connect session sequelize
  • Dotenv
  • Express.js
  • Express session
  • Handlebars
  • Heroku (for deployment)
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • MySql
  • Node.js
  • Nodemailer
  • Sequelize

Instilation and Use

Users should be able to make or create an account on Build-Link which will then give them access to create or apply of job listings. To view the backend, you can clone the repo down to you local machine and run npm install to install the necessary dependencies and packages to run the application. Visit the live site here.


The four people that created this application were Juan Grillo Morales, Sian Khai, Kyndall Carothers, and Sarah Lepine. Through collaborated effort, they created the Build-Link website. Work was devided as follows:

Work breakdown: Backend files (config, controllers, db, models, seeds, utils) - Sarah and Juan Frontend files (public, views) - Kyndall and Sian

However, the group worked on all parts of the project multiple times throughout the course of the assignment.