
IT2566 Infosecurity Project Client

Primary LanguagePython


Code style: black

IT2566 Infosecurity Project Client


How to Install sqlite3 Tools

  1. Visit this page and download sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3330000.zip (or use this direct link).
  2. In the zip file, extract the 3 EXE files to the C:\sqlite3 directory.
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + R, type in systempropertiesadvanced and press Enter. A new window titled System Properties should open.
  4. Click on the button labeled Environment Variables near the bottom.
  5. In the System Variables section, scroll down and double-click on the Path variable. A new window titled Edit environment variable should open.
  6. Click on New, type in C:\sqlite3, and press Enter.
  7. Press OK on all the previous dialogs to close them.

How to Set up a Virtual Environment (venv)

  1. Open an administrator command prompt.
  2. Change directory to the project folder (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\infosecurity-project\).
  3. Run python -m venv venv and wait for it to finish.
  4. Run venv\scripts\activate.
  5. Run pip install -r requirements.txt.

NOTE: If you installed a new package, update requirements.txt by following the steps below (since the venv directory will not be pushed to the remote repository):

  1. Open an administrator command prompt.
  2. Change directory to the project folder (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\infosecurity-project\).
  3. Run venv\scripts\activate.
  4. Run pip freeze > requirements.txt.
  5. Commit the changes to requirements.txt and push it to the remote repository.

How to Set the ISPJ_API_KEY Environment Variable

This application sends requests to the infosecurity-project server for database queries, which will require an API key (which is read from the ISPJ_API_KEY environment variable). The steps below details how to set this environment variable.

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + R, type in systempropertiesadvanced and press Enter. A new window titled System Properties should open.
  2. Click on the button labeled Environment Variables near the bottom.
  3. In the User variables for <username> section, click on the New... button. A new window titled New User Variable should open.
  4. Type in ISPJ_API_KEY for the Variable name field and the appropriate API key for the Variable value field.
  5. Press OK on all the previous dialogs to close them.

How to Run the Application

  1. Open a command prompt window and change directory to the project folder (e.g. C:\Users\<username>\infosecurity-project-client).
  2. If you are using a virtual environment, activate it by typing venv\scripts\activate and press Enter. If not, then make sure that all packages listed in requirements.txt are installed globally, and move on to the next step.
  3. Type in .\run.bat and press Enter.
  4. The batch file will generate and display a report on any packages with known security vulnerabilities, and pause execution.
  5. Press any key to continue with the execution of the batch file, where it will then proceed to run the web application, and automatically open it in a new browser tab.

Code Style

This project is formatted using Black. Instructions for how to install black can be found here.

Please remember to run black . before committing your changes to any Python file(s) to ensure consistent formatting across all Python files in this project.

Case Styles

  • camelCase: first word is all lowercase, then subsequent words are capitalized. Has no delimiters.
  • PascalCase: like camelCase, but the first word is also capitalized.
  • snake_case: all words are in lowercase, delimited by a single underscore.
  • SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE like snake_case, but all words are in uppercase.
  • kebab-case all words are in lowercase, delimited by a single hyphen.

What Case Style to Use


Use snake_case for most names, except:

  • Class names: PascalCase

You DO NOT use camelCase in Python.


Use camelCase for most names, except:

  • Class names: PascalCase

You DO NOT use snake_case in JavaScript.

CSS (e.g. background-color), HTML attribute names and values (e.g. <button data-target="#generate-new-api-key-prompt">Generate New API Key</button>), and URLs (e.g. /api/key-management)

Use kebab-case for all names.


Use snake_case for Jinja variables, since they are essentially Python variables under the hood.