
Q & A App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

First install all the dependncies for the project, run this command

npm i or npm install

To start the developement server and hot reload module, run this command

npm start

To run the build process which formats, lints, adds css prefixes, runs transpilers and polyfill and afterwards generates the assets, run this command

npm run predeploy

To deploy to gh-pages, run

npm run deploy

App Login

To login as an admin use these credentials
password: admin
For regular user experience, feel free to signup

File Structure

The front-end is based on create-react-app.

The back-end is based on Express.

The front-end is served on http://localhost:3000/ and the back-end on http://localhost:3001/.

├── server/ - Express server that provides API routes and serves front-end
│ ├── api/ - Handles API calls for routes
│ ├── app.js - Adds middleware to the express server
│ ├── config - Defines the config constants for the endpoints and port and jwt secrets
│ └── server.js - Configures Port and HTTP Server
├── src - React front-end
│ ├── components - React components for each page
│ ├── App.js - React routing
│ ├── pages/ - The page route components
│ ├── services/ - custom util functions
│ └── index.js - React root component
└── README.md

Additional Documentation