
A Python Script that generates all h and cpp file include relationship graph

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

C++ Inlcude Graph Generator

A Python Script that generates all h and cpp file include relationship graph


  • Python 3.7+ (lower may work but not tested)
  • NetworkX latest version: convinient network manimulation
  • PyEcharts latest version: visualization


usage: include_graph.py [-h] [--out OUT] [--entryfile ENTRYFILE] [--all]
                        [--forcerepulsion FORCEREPULSION] [--nomerge]

Iterate through a folder and draw include graph

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--out OUT
--entryfile ENTRYFILE
                        The file of entrypoint, ignore when using --all.
--all                 Draw the whole include map, else only decendence of
                        entryfile is included.
--forcerepulsion FORCEREPULSION
                        Repulsion argument in force layout, which control how
                        far nodes repel each other.
--nomerge             disable merging same name .h and .cpp
--showsuffix          show file suffix


gflags/gflags repo(with --all): Example Page