Trail Blazer

Trail Blazer is a project that utilizes MongoDB, React components, and the 3rd party API Hiking Project, ( Sensitive user data is hidden with genSalt, and verified with token.

screenshot of app

User Stories

  • A user can create an account with a username and password.
  • A user can update their account's latitude, longitude, and distance from hikes.
  • A user will be able to see a list of hikes in their area based on their details from Hiking Project API.
  • A user can view details of a hike, and add that hike to their list of favorites.
  • A user can view their own favorites on a rendered page.
  • A user can delete their favorites, and receive an updated favorites page.


We planned this app by the following sprint goals:

  • Day One: test API, create API renders in front end, set up master github, create mern auth, and set up user schema.
  • Day Two: Identify areas of concern and research, test routes in postman, consolidate master with users' work, and plan components.
  • Day Three: Finalize schema for our user profile, create Hike components including: allhikes, which renders "hikes" component for each api value. and hike component which renders hikeId component for a particular api hike component.
  • Day Four: Create functions for editing a user's properties and adding trails to a user's favoriteTrails.
  • Day Five: Add conditionals to user's favoriteTrails to prevent multiple trails from rendering. Add delete functions to delete a particular trail from a user's favorited trails.


We created a main User model with input of our "favorited trails" to find

    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    email: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    password: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
    displayName: {
        type: String,
        default: 'hiker001'
    longitude: {
        type: Number,
        default: -122.3321
    latitude: {
        type: Number,
        default: 47.6062
    radiusTrail: {
        type: Number,
        default: 10
    userTrails: Array,





Method Path Location Purpose
Post '/register' (backend)api/users find a user by params, if user exists do not create new user salt and hash to utilize protected values
Post '/login' (backend)api/users find a user in login form, compare using bcrypt
Get '/current' (backend)api/users find the current user
Post '/profile' (backend)api/users find a user by id, update with new values in long, lat, radius
Post '/profile/get' (backend)api/user find a user by id, resend user's datas to update new state
Post '/createtrail' (backend)/trails find a user by id, when found, push favorited trail into user
Post '/delete' (backend)/trails find a user by id and update, delete a trail from a user

Install Instructions


Thank you to our wonderful API! From Hiking Project ( Make sure to check out our backend too! (

Future Goals

In the future we'd like to implement user experience to locate the latitude and longitude of a user's input city, in order to help them find their hike locations.