SDK none breaking change design

Deprecated APIs

  • Deprecate TeamsFx class, and update all the template and samples to directly use credentials instead.

  • Deprecate AuthenticationConfiguration interface and use separate auth config instead

  • Deprecate handleMessageExtensionQueryWithToken and use handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO instead

  • Deprecate createMicrosoftGraphClient and use createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential instead

Code Update

Add different auth configurations to help user to know exactly what properties needed for different scenarios

// original auth config, add deprecate notice
export interface AuthenticationConfiguration {
  readonly authorityHost?: string;
  readonly tenantId?: string;
  readonly clientId?: string;
  readonly clientSecret?: string;
  readonly certificateContent?: string;
  readonly initiateLoginEndpoint?: string;
  readonly applicationIdUri?: string;


export type TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
  initiateLoginEndpoint: string;
  clientId: string;

// Current validation logic for clientSecret and  certificateContent is different from below definition
// Current logic will use certificateContent as default, if no certificateContent, then use clientSecret
export type OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: string;
  clientId: string;
  tenantId: string;
} & (
  | { clientSecret: string; certificateContent?: never }
  | { clientSecret?: never; certificateContent: string }

export type AppCredentialAuthConfig = OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig;

Update credential constructor to use different auth config:

// TeamsUserCredential constructor
constructor(authConfig: AuthenticationConfiguration);

// OnBehalfOfUserCredential constructor
constructor(ssoToken: string, config: AuthenticationConfiguration);

// AppCredential constructor
constructor(authConfig: AuthenticationConfiguration);


// TeamsUserCredential constructor
constructor(authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig);
constructor(authConfig: AuthenticationConfiguration);
constructor(authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig | AuthenticationConfiguration)

// OnBehalfOfUserCredential constructor
constructor(ssoToken: string, config: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig);
constructor(ssoToken: string, config: AuthenticationConfiguration);
constructor(ssoToken: string, config: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig | AuthenticationConfiguration);

// AppCredential constructor
constructor(authConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig);
constructor(authConfig: AuthenticationConfiguration);
constructor(authConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig | AuthenticationConfiguration)

/* Other abandoned solution

// Solution 2: Change credential name and create a new class:
// TeamsUserCredentialV2 constructor
constructor(authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig)

// OnBehalfOfUserCredentialV2 constructor
constructor(ssoToken: string, config: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig);

// AppCredentialV2 constructor
constructor(authConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig);

// Solution3: add a static function to create instance
TeamsUserCredential.create(authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig): TeamsUserCredential

OnBehalfOfUserCredential.create(ssoToken: string, config: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig):OnBehalfOfUserCredential

// AppCredentialV2 constructor
AppCredential.create(authConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig):AppCredential

Update TeamsBotSsoPrompt to use OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig and initiateLoginEndpoint:

// original
  private teamsfx: TeamsFx,
  dialogId: string,
  private settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings


  constructor(teamsfx: TeamsFx, dialogId: string, settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings);
    authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig,
    initiateLoginEndpoint: string,
    dialogId: string,
    settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings

/* Other abandoned solution
// solution 1
  private teamsfx: TeamsFx | (OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig & { loginUrl: string })
  dialogId: string,
  private settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings
// solution 2
  private teamsfx: TeamsFx | OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig
  dialogId: string,
  private settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
  loginUrl?: string

// solution 3: create a new class use a different name and deprecate TeamsBotSsoPrompt
  private authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig,
  loginUrl: string,
  dialogId: string,
  private settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings

// solution 4: add a static function to create instance
  authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig,
  loginUrl: string,
  dialogId: string,
  private settings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings
): TeamsBotSsoPrompt

Update BotSsoExecutionDialog

  dedupStorage: Storage,
  ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
  teamsfx: TeamsFx,
  dialogName?: string


    dedupStorage: Storage,
    ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
    teamsfx: TeamsFx,
    dialogName?: string
    dedupStorage: Storage,
    ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
    authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredential,
    initiateLoginEndpoint: string,
    dialogName?: string

/* Other abandoned solution
// Solution 1: 
  dedupStorage: Storage,
  ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
  teamsfx: TeamsFx | (OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig & { loginUrl: string })
  dialogName?: string

// Solution 3, create a new class use a different name and deprecate BotSsoExecutionDialog 
  dedupStorage: Storage,
  ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
  authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig,
  loginUrl: string,
  dialogName?: string

// Solution 2:
  dedupStorage: Storage,
  ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
  teamsfx: TeamsFx | OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig
  dialogName?: string,
  loginUrl?: string

// Solution 4: add a static function to create instance
  dedupStorage: Storage,
  ssoPromptSettings: TeamsBotSsoPromptSettings,
  authConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig,
  loginUrl: string,
  dialogName?: string

Update message extension executionWithToken function to use OnBehalfOfCredential and initiateLoginEndpoint:

// original
export async function handleMessageExtensionQueryWithToken(
  context: TurnContext,
  config: AuthenticationConfiguration | null,
  scopes: string | string[],
  logic: (token: MessageExtensionTokenResponse) => Promise<any>


export async function handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO(
  context: TurnContext,
  config: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig | null,
  initiateLoginEndpoint: string,
  scopes: string | string[],
  logic: (token: MessageExtensionTokenResponse) => Promise<any>

Update BotSsoConfig to use OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig and initiateLoginEndpoint:

export interface BotSsoConfig {
  aad: {
    scopes: string[];
  } & AuthenticationConfiguration;


export interface BotSsoConfig {
  aad: {
    scopes: string[];
  | (OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig & { initiateLoginEndpoint: string })
  | AuthenticationConfiguration;

Update createMicrosoftGraphClient to use different credentials:

export function createMicrosoftGraphClient(
  teamsfx: TeamsFxConfiguration,
  scopes?: string | string[]
): Client;


// Change the function name and make original createMicrosoftGraphClient deprecated

export function createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(
  credential: TokenCredential,
  scopes?: string | string[]
): Client 

sdk-react Update

Add two new functions as the replacement for useTeamsFx, useGraph:


type GraphOption = {
  scope?: string[];
  teamsfx?: TeamsFx;

export function useGraph<T>(
  fetchGraphDataAsync: (graph: Client, teamsfx: TeamsFx, scope: string[]) => Promise<T>,
  options?: GraphOption
): Data<T>

export type TeamsFxContext = {
  teamsfx?: TeamsFx;
  loading: boolean;
  error: unknown;
  inTeams?: boolean;
  theme: ThemePrepared;
  themeString: string;
  context?: any;

export function useTeamsFx(teamsfxConfig?: Record<string, string>): TeamsFxContext


type GraphOptionWithAuthConfig = {
  scope?: string[];
  authConfig?: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig;

export function useGraphWithCredential<T>(
  fetchGraphDataAsync: (
    graph: Client,
    credential: TeamsUserCredential,
    scope: string[]
  ) => Promise<T>,
  options?: GraphOptionWithAuthConfig
): Data<T>

export type TeamsContextWithCredential = {
  teamsUserCredential?: TeamsUserCredential;
  loading: boolean;
  error: unknown;
  inTeams?: boolean;
  theme: ThemePrepared;
  themeString: string;
  context?: any;

export function useTeamsUserCredential(
  authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig
): TeamsContextWithCredential

API Usage sample:

// Usage before
// Use teamsfx as parameter and user may confuse that which configuration and environment variable should be used for teamsfx

// In browser: tab
const teamsfx = new TeamsFx();
const graphClient = createMicrosoftGraphClient(teamsfx, ["User.Read"]);

// In node: OnBehalfOfUserCredential
teamsfx = new TeamsFx().setSsoToken(accessToken);
const graphClient = createMicrosoftGraphClient(teamsfx, ["User.Read"]);

// In node: AppCredential
const teamsfx = new TeamsFx(IdentityType.App);
const token = teamsfx.getCredential().getToken();
const graphClient = createMicrosoftGraphClient(teamsfx, ["User.Read"]);


// After update
// In browser: TeamsUserCredential
const authConfig: TeamsUserCredentialAuthConfig = {
  clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
  initiateLoginEndpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL,

const credential = new TeamsUserCredential(authConfig);

const scope = "User.Read";
await credential.login(scope);

const client = createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(credential, scope);

// In node: OnBehalfOfUserCredential
const oboAuthConfig: OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,

const oboCredential = new OnBehalfOfUserCredential(ssoToken, oboAuthConfig);
const scope = "User.Read";
const client = createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(oboCredential, scope);

// In node: AppCredential
const appAuthConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
const appCredential = new AppCredential(appAuthConfig);
const scope = "User.Read";
const client = createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential(appCredential, scope);

Docs should be updated to help user to choose different credentials for different scenarios:

  • Compare different credential, usage scenario.
  • Configurations for different scenario.
  • Link the credential to official oauth flow introduction document.

Open questions:

  • Rename the class and interface below?


    Only rename the below class and interface:

  • Naming for the changed API?

    TeamsUserCredential -> TeamsUserCredentialV2
    OnBehalfOfUserCredential -> OnBehalfOfUserCredentialV2
    AppCredential -> AppCredentialV2
    TeamsBotSsoPrompt -> TeamsBotSsoPromptV2
    BotSsoConfig -> BotSsoConfigV2,
    BotSsoExecutionDialog ->BotSsoExecutionDialogV2
    executionWithToken -> executionWithTokenAndConfig
    createMicrosoftGraphClient -> createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential

    Rename as below:

    handleMessageExtensionQueryWithToken -> handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO
    createMicrosoftGraphClient -> createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential

Already discussed

  • AppCredentialAuthConfig and OnBehalfOfCredentialAuthConfig are the same, do we need to define only one type for these two auth config?

    Use two different types
  • Do we need to use another name for the APIs such as below so that to get better code intellisense

    • createMicrosoftGraphClient -> createMicrosoftGraphClientWithCredential

    • executionWithToken -> executionWithTokenWithConfig

    • ...

      As discussed, use different names for better intellisense


Already discussed

  • Current implementation seems not correct, loadAndValidateConfig in AppCredential should check whether authorityHost exist.

    Will update the SDK to fix this issue: already fixed
  • In order not to break current user code, AuthenticationConfiguration, TeamsFx should be reserved with deprecated notice, and code intellisense may not work.

    Deprecate AuthenticationConfiguration and TeamsFx
  • Current validation logic inside getTediousConnectionConfig class is different from SQLAuthConfig, and current logic will use sqlIdentityId as default, if no sqlIdentityId, then use sqlUserName and password.

      Use the logic in this design