
:bulb: smapphowto has markdown files with instructions on how to do various things.

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💡 smapphowto has markdown files with instructions on how to do various things. all of these tutorials assume you have a mac or at least run a *nix operating system (mac osx, unix, linux, etc)if you don't not even the gods can help you at this point. get a mac, run linux, or do anything else other than windows, it's not that programmers are being mean, its just that most programmers can't even use a windows terminal these days.

how to deal with a large data dump

how to run smapp's ssh tunnel to the database

how to request a collection.

how to request a database data dump.

how to set up software and jobs on the NYU HPC cluster. how to set up a sharded mongodb cluster how to set up a streaming collection

how to connect to nyu's vpn (vpn.nyu.edu) from the command line in linux or OSX.

how to setup a new version of mongo on linux

how to move collections to a new collector

how to setup an nginx file server

how to fuse a set of disks into one virtual filesystem with mergerfs

getting started on the cluster

how to get going with sqlite and json1

