
Former repository for the submission of SMT-LIB benchmarks for the 2022 release

Primary LanguageSMT

SMT-LIB Benchmark Submission – 2022

This repository was used for the SMT-LIB benchmark release 2022. For new submissions, please open a pull request in the current repository.

This repository serves as a staging repository for benchmarks submitted for inclusion in the SMT-LIB library. To submit new benchmarks fork this repository, add the benchmarks, and create a pull request. The added files must be valid SMT-LIB files and contain a few additional headers. The folder structure must also be appropriate. The pull request is automatically checked by Github and manually by us.

To check that the benchmarks fulfill the requirements upfront the quick-check.sh script and the tool dolmen can be used. For example, with a file non-incremental/UF/20211018-Test/test.smt2 the two options are:

$ ./quick-check.sh non-incremental/UF/20211018-Test/test.smt2
$ dolmen -i smt2 --check-headers=true --header-lang-version=2.6 non-incremental/UF/20211018-Test/test.smt2

The quick-check.sh uses grep and other shell tools to perform some basic checks on the benchmark and the folder structure. It is fast, but not perfectly accurate. Dolmen is a parser and type checker that aims at following the SMT-LIB standard precisely.

If the set of benchmarks contains benchmarks larger than 50MB, adding them to the Git repository is not feasible. Please reach out to us in that case.

In the following, a benchmark is an incremental benchmark if it contains more than one check-sat command.

Benchmark Requirements

Benchmarks must be valid SMT-LIB2 files. They must contain at least one check-sat command and end with an exit command. Furthermore, they must start with the following header:

(set-info :smt-lib-version <version>)
(set-logic <logic>)
(set-info :source |<description>|)
(set-info :license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/")
(set-info :category <category>)
(set-info :status <status>)


  • <version> is the SMT-LIB version number, usually 2.6.
  • <logic> is one of the accepted SMT-LIB logics.
  • <description> is a textual description containing:
    • Generated by: the name(s) of those who generated the benchmark;
    • Generated on: generation date with format YYYY-MM-DD;
    • Generator: tool which generated the benchmark (if any);
    • Application: the general goal;
    • Target solver: the solvers that were initially used to check the benchmarks;
    • Publications: references to related publications. This can be followed by any other useful information in free text.
  • <category> is either "crafted", indicating that it was hand-made, "random", indicating that it was generated randomly, or "industrial" (everything else). Note that the quotes are significant.
  • <status> is either sat or unsat according to the status of the benchmark, or unknown if not known.

We encourage to distribute benchmarks under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, but submitters can specify their own licence in the benchmark itself using the (set-info :license "licence string") command.

An example:

(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
(set-logic QF_UFLIA)
(set-info :source |
Generated by: Clark Barrett, Pascal Fontaine, Cesare Tinelli
Generated on: 2016-12-31
Generator: Sledgehammer
Application: Isabelle proof of Gödel theorem
Target solver: CVC4
(set-info :license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/")
(set-info :category "industrial")
(set-info :status unsat)

In the case of incremental benchmarks one set-info :status command must be issued for each check-sat command. In this case the set-info :status commands should be placed in the line just before the corresponding check-sat command.

Folder Structure

The basic structure of the folders is:


Incremental benchmarks are stored in the folder incremental. All other benchmarks are stored in non-incremental. Non-incremental benchmarks should always be separated from the incremental benchmarks, even if a set of benchmarks mostly consists of incremental benchmarks.

The benchmarks are then separated according to their logic.

The <set-name> is either <date>-<application>-<submitter>, <date>-<application>, or <date>-<submitter>. The <data> is written as YYYYMMDD.

Benchmarks can be nested within a deeper directory structure below the set directory. The nesting should be sensible.


The benchmark library is co-maintained by: