
re-frame "effects handlers" for performing styling tasks.

Primary LanguageHTML

Style Effects Handlers for re-frame

Style comes in all shapes and sizes. Therefore, the bigger you are, the more style you have. - Miss Piggy, The Muppets

Herein re-frame "Effects Handlers", for performing styling tasks.

Quick Start

1. Add Dependency

Clojars Project

2. Registration & Use

In the namespace where you register your event handlers, prehaps called handlers.cljs, you have two things to do:

First, add this require to the ns:

(ns app.handlers
    [com.smxemail.re-frame-style-fx]    ;; <-- add this

Second, write an event handler which uses this effect:

  (fn [{:keys [db]} _]
    {:style/install {:content "body { font-family: Helvetica; }"
                     :on-success [:style-success]
                     :on-failure [:style-failure]}}))

Under the hood this uses goog.style/installStyleSheet.



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