
Hand-coded HTML/CSS/jQuery site (Bootstrap Framework)

Primary LanguageHTML


HTML, CSS, and Javascript Hand-coded site using Bootstrap framework
Website Link

Worked on implementing the following main features:
-Implemented Parallex scrolling effect
-Custom jQuery hover effects
-Lightboxes Javascript plugin https://github.com/lokesh/lightbox2
-Google Maps API
-Contact Form character count and Tooltips scripts
-Designed, rendered and integrated responsive video header animation

Purpose was to gain a strong fundamental exposure to Bootstrap's features and framework through hand-on practice of building a site from scratch. Applied media queries, modal windows, columns, containers and all things unique to Bootstrap's fluid grid system.

Bug Report History

-10/18/15 Chrome browser bug was found and reported to Bootstrap in the Accordion (12/5/15 Update - Chromium team has now fixed): twbs/bootstrap#17960