
Error in angular betweenness: PSTAFastSegmentBetweenness()

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm running into a 'PSTAFastSegmentBetweenness()" error when trying to run an angular betweenness analysis:


There is no further information, so I'm struggling to find a solution.

I already:

  1. Checked for null geometries;
  2. Made sure the layer only has single parts features.
  3. Checked the geometry validity (QGIS Toolbox > Vector Geometries > Check validity).

Angular integration analyses (global and local) worked just fine.

The file can be accessed here if someone would like to give it a try: Geopackage (Dropbox link).

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dear Renato,
just click ok and it will continue with the calculations. Better yet, download the latest PST version 3.2.5

Please let me know if the issue is fixed

Best wishes,

Dear Gianna:
Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes, that solved the problem.
However, the results are weird / incorrect. I will try to figure out what is happening and, if not successful, open another issue, ok?
Thanks again.
Best regards,