
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

rpisigfox board control script

Aim of this script is to control the rpisigfox board to send messages on the SigFox network.

The expansion board is for raspberry pi mainboard and allows sending messages over the SigFox network

You can purchase the board on YADOM.FR.

Two python scripts are provided :

  • sendsigfox.py sends data over the Sigfox network.
  • sendreceivesigfox.py sends data with a downlink message request. Downlink messages are 8 bytes long. Important note : Sigfox operators may bill downlink messages, please refer to your contract.


./sendsigfox.py MESSAGE [path/to/serial]
./sendreceivesigfox.py MESSAGE [path/to/serial]


  • MESSAGE is an hexadecimal encoded string; 2 to 24 characters representing 1 to 12 bytes.
  • path/to/serial is an optional path to the serial port, default is /dev/ttyAMA0.

Examples :

  • ./sendsigfox.py 00AA55BF : sends the 4 bytes 0x00 0xAA 0x55 0xBF over default serial port /dev/ttyAMA0
  • ./sendsigfox.py CCDD /dev/ttyS0 : sends the 2 bytes 0xCC 0xDD over serial port /dev/ttyS0
  • ./sendreceivesigfox.py 0123456789 : sends the 5 bytes 0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67 0x89 with a downlink request over default serial port /dev/ttyAMA0


The following steps should be performed in the following order

  1. Disable Raspberry Pi terminal on serial port with raspi-config utility:

    sudo raspi-config

    Go to Interfacing Options then choose Serial then NO and OK

  2. Install pyserial

    sudo apt-get install python-serial
  3. Download scripts

    • if git is installed then clone the repository :
    git clone https://github.com/SNOC/rpisigfox.git
    • otherwise paste script content to a new file:
    nano sendsigfox.py
  4. Enable script execution

    chmod +x sendsigfox.py
  5. Plug antenna with its cable and send your first message:

    ./sendsigfox.py 0123

Pi3 specific requirements

  1. Edit /boot/config.txt

    sudo nano /boot/config.txt
    1. disable if present dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt by adding # character at line begining : #dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
    2. if not present, add :
      note: enable_uart=0 might be present at the end of the file, in such case it should be commented or modified to enable_uart=1
  2. then reboot :

    sudo reboot

Serial port to use is the script's default one : /dev/ttyAMA0


MIT License / read license.txt