Coursera data science projects

These are projects related to coursera data-science courses.


  • practice site for leaflet+Rmd Trial work using leaflet.

  • plotly in rmarkdown presentation A quick & short intro to the Gapminder data.

  • shiny application A shiny application exploring the Kepler dataset. Only meant as a quick interface for possibly habitable planets in given parameters.

  • Machine-learning: What exercises This project will attempt to identify exercise regimes followed from several patients biological data.

  • statistical inference part 1 This assignment will explore whether the Central Limit Theory (CLT) can be applied to exponential distributions. The CLT states that the distribution of averages for Independent and Identically Distributed (iid) variables will approximate a normal distribution as sample size increases.

  • statistical inference part 2 The Tooth Growth dataset records the effects of vitamin C on Guinea Pig tooth growth. The Vitamin C is delivered through either Orange Juice (OJ) or Vitamin C (VC). Which delivery approach results in greatest tooth growth?