
Easy and comprehensive assessment of predictive power, with support for neuroimaging features

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


travis Code Health Codacy Badge PyPI version [Python versions]



  • Good news: neuropredict can handle missing data now (that are encoded with numpy.NaN). This is done respecting the cross-validation splits without any data leakage.


On a high level,


On a more detailed level,


Long term goals

neuropredict is part of a broader intiative to develop easy, comprehensice and standardized predictive analysis. See here for an overview and the bigger picture idea.


If neuropredict helped you in your research in one way or another, please consider citing one or more of the following, which were essential building blocks of neuropredict:

  • Pradeep Reddy Raamana. (2017, November 18). neuropredict: easy machine learning and standardized predictive analysis of biomarkers (Version 0.4.5). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1058993
  • Raamana et al, (2017), Python class defining a machine learning dataset ensuring key-based correspondence and maintaining integrity, Journal of Open Source Software, 2(17), 382, doi:10.21105/joss.00382