
A Java flow analysis tool for SGX data sensitivity. This is my final year project.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A Java flow analysis tool for SGX data sensitivity


  • util: Internal non-enclavlow-specific utilities
  • core: Core module for flow analysis
  • plugin: Gradle integration plugin
  • api: API to include from user code
  • doc-fig: Module for generating image assets used in docs



The analyzeMethod function returns a Contract Flow Graph (CFG) for a single method. The CFG detects whether the method is an ECall/OCall, and presents the information flow throughout the method.


To run the test cases in the enclavlow-core module, use the gradle task:

./gradlew core:test

This command requires the graphviz dot command to be in PATH.

For the sake of convenience, all test case classes are compiled together with the test runtime, and the test runtime classpath is used as the classpath for soot.

The test case classes are located in core/src/test/java, and the test case results are checked in core/src/test/kotlin.

The JUnit test results can be found in core/build/reports/test/test/index.html. For each testMethod test case, the final Local Flow Graphs that contribute to output contract graph are rendered by dot in the core/build/lfgOutput directory (see index.html). (Due to use of parallel tests, the order in index.html is highly inconsistent)