ConsumerGroup Noting to be commited
SuperZhangAo opened this issue · 0 comments
SuperZhangAo commented
fillConsumerGroup.on('message', async function(message) {
try {
await ctx.service.consumerTest.start_fill(JSON.parse(message.value));
fillConsumerGroup.commit(true, (err, data) => {
logger.error('commit:', err, data);
} catch (error) {
logger.error('ERROR: [GetMessage] ', message, error);
const fillOptions = {
kafkaHost: config.kafkaHost, // connect directly to kafka broker (instantiates a KafkaClient)
batch: undefined, // put client batch settings if you need them
ssl: false, // optional (defaults to false) or tls options hash
id: `consumer-fill-${uuid}`,
groupId: 'ExampleFillGroup',
sessionTimeout: 15000,
autoCommit: false,
// An array of partition assignment protocols ordered by preference.
// 'roundrobin' or 'range' string for built ins (see below to pass in custom assignment protocol)
protocol: [ 'roundrobin' ],
encoding: 'utf8', // default is utf8, use 'buffer' for binary data
// Offsets to use for new groups other options could be 'earliest' or 'none' (none will emit an error if no offsets were saved)
// equivalent to Java client's auto.offset.reset
fromOffset: 'latest', // default
commitOffsetsOnFirstJoin: true, // on the very first time this consumer group subscribes to a topic, record the offset returned in fromOffset (latest/earliest)
// how to recover from OutOfRangeOffset error (where save offset is past server retention) accepts same value as fromOffset
outOfRangeOffset: 'earliest', // default
fetchMaxBytes: 16777216,
// Callback to allow consumers with autoCommit false a chance to commit before a rebalance finishes
// isAlreadyMember will be false on the first connection, and true on rebalances triggered after that
onRebalance: (isAlreadyMember, callback) => {
}, // or null
Why Noting to be commited?