- 0
NestedError: topic/partition change check failed
#1482 opened by LKCheng - 1
vue3 project by vite. import kafka from 'kafka-node'
#1481 opened by BlackHandguy - 1
The "chunk" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer or Uint8Array
#1459 opened by mkscastillo - 0
Kafka-node 5.0.0 support highest kafka version
#1480 opened by tosslab-EthanRyu - 0
Does Kafka-node supports ECMA script or not
#1479 opened by jyoti-ranjan-4 - 1
BrokerNotAvailableError: Broker not available (sendRequest -> ensureBrokerReady)
#1478 opened by vgnanasekaran - 0
kafka-code 支持只能被消费者组中的一个消费者消费吗?
#1477 opened by zhouzongyu - 0
[Product Announcement] Introducing Kafka Sonar, the first Kafka Monitoring Tool on Docker Desktop
#1475 opened by unatarajan - 0
kafka-node 支持定时检测连接情况并断线重连吗
#1474 opened by geniusdz - 0
Getting Error "ECONNRESET at TLSWrap.onStreamRead" on producing message to event hub.
#1473 opened by SakshamPatro - 0
- 1
- 0
Producer is not sending message to new partitions added at runtime to a topic
#1468 opened by ronakheliwal - 1
- 1
- 2
Help: Kafka topics are deleted automatically after sudo systemctl stop kafka is done.
#1465 opened by mai1x9 - 0
High synk vulnerability.
#1466 opened by vardeyk-yellow - 0
ConsumerGroup Noting to be commited
#1463 opened by SuperZhangAo - 0
Need to resolve vulnerabilities on snappy.
#1462 opened by mma3069 - 2
Need to Fix All vulnerabilities of Kafka-node
#1460 opened by mma3069 - 0
Make the error code be included in the error message.
#1461 opened by nieyuyao - 2
Request: upgrade dependency Snappy
#1457 opened by DesmondHsu - 0
- 5
Kafka consumer receives nothing when there is data in the topic from kafka producer
#1443 opened by Neo0165CA - 2
maxTickMessages is not working
#1456 opened by praveenydv - 4
- 2
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No recovery from BrokerNotAvailableError: Broker not available (loadMetadataForTopics)
#1442 opened by deweyjose - 0
#1453 opened by sujitknandan - 0
I call removeTopics on a consumer, and then add back that topic, I then receive duplicate messages
#1452 opened by davesargrad - 0
- 0
TypeError: Cannot read property 'host' of undefined
#1449 opened by jseparovic - 2
- 0
How to test crash event?
#1448 opened by KunalBurangi - 5
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Is this repo actively maintained
#1445 opened by ghinks - 0
Properly catch producer's ready event
#1439 opened by davc0n - 0
adding consumer to an existing group
#1444 opened by amirAlamian - 2
Create topics sync in KafkaClient
#1441 opened by ellik95 - 4
Connecting with SSL
#1430 opened by nvioli - 1
KafkaClient socket errors are not propagated to Consumers because they emit on a different error channel.
#1423 opened by asitaru - 0
Memory leak issue in kafka consumer when quota is set to 1% in zookeeper configuration
#1437 opened by pratapreddy15 - 1
Duplicate messages received
#1434 opened by jransome - 1
error when init client before starting kafka server
#1436 opened by brucewar - 0
Kafka Broker Nodejs connection check
#1433 opened by khvr - 0
Remote Memory Exposure in dependency bl 2.2.0
#1431 opened by williamzhao87 - 2
How do you use the producer and consumer to expose as an API using node express?
#1428 opened by kprytsm - 2
Can I add protocol when specifying kafkaHost?
#1425 opened by vadymrybak - 0
How to specify max.request.size for producer?
#1426 opened by bmxpiku - 1
ConsumerGroup commits wrong offset to partition
#1421 opened by StanislavMikhailenko