
Course by Dr. PK Reddy | Monsoon 2020 | A user-defined interactive C shell program

Primary LanguageC


This is a Linux Shell implemented in C.

Running the Shell


Exiting from the Shell



  • ls [-l -a] <dir1> <dir2> - List files and Directory

    • ls: List of all the files and directories in the current directory in alphabetical order
    • ls -a: Hidden files
    • ls -l: Long listing
    • ls -al/l -la/ls -l -a/ls -a -l: Long listing with hidden files
  • cd <dir> - Change Directory

    • cd ..: Change to previous directory
    • cd .: Remain in current directory
    • cd: Change to directory to ~/
  • echo [arguments] - Print in Terminal

    • echo: Print "\n"
    • echo "text": Print "text"
    • echo 'text': Print 'text'
    • echo text: Print text
  • history [number] - Display History of Commands

    • history: Last 10 commands
    • history [1-20]: Last n commands
  • pwd - Present Working Directory

  • pinfo [pid] - Process Information

    • pinfo: Process information about the shell
    • pinfo <pid>: Process information about process with given pid
  • setenv [var] [value] - Sets value of environment variable

    • setenv [var]: Default value = " "
    • setenv [var] [value]: var = value
  • unsetenv [var] - Unsets value of environment variable

  • jobs - Prints a list of all running jobs

  • kjobs [job_num] [sig_num] - Sends signal val to that process with job_num

  • overkill - Kills all background process

  • bg [job_num] - Changes a Stopped background job to a Running

  • fg [job_num] - Brings a background job to foreground

  • <command> & - Run Process in Background

  • <command1> | <command1> - Multiple Piping allowed

  • Redirection - I/O Redirection allowed

    • <: Input redirection
    • >: Output redirection
    • >>: Append


  • CTRL-C - Sends SIGINT signal to the current foreground job


  • headers.h

    • Header files
    • Global variables
    • Function declarations
  • main.c

    • main(): Main function to initialise variables and call the loop
    • shell_loop(): Runs the main loop of the code for the continuous execution of the shell
  • bgfg.c

    • bg(): Changes a Stopped background job to a Running
    • fg(): Brings a background job to foreground
  • background.c

    • background(): Forks the existing process and runs a child process in the background. Once the child terminates, the exit status of the child process prints on the screen.
  • foreground.c

    • foreground(): Forks the existing process and runs a child process in the foreground. The parent process resumes once the child terminates and waits till then.
  • cd.c

    • cd(): Changes the directory based on absolute or relative path provided
  • echo.c

    • echo(): Prints a string argument on the terminal (stdout). Handles cases with and without quotes.
  • env.c

    • set(): Changes value of environment variable
    • unset(): Detroys the environment variables
  • ls.c

    • ls(): Initialises flags for listing directories specified by absolute or relative path
    • print_ls(): Prints the files in directory according to arguments
  • jobs.c

    • print_jobs(): Called when child process dies to print status
    • kjob(): Sends signal val to that process with given job_num
    • overkill(): Kills all background process at once
  • pinfo.c

    • pinfo(): Prints the info of the process according to arguments
  • piping.c

    • piping():
  • pwd.c

    • pwd(): Print the present working directory
  • redirection.c

    • redirection(): Allows redirection
  • signals.c

    • print_status():
    • ctrlC():
  • history.c

    • read_history(): Loads history from previous session.
    • update_history(): Updates history
    • history(): Prints the history according to arguments
    • write_history(): Stores last 20 commands in hist.txt
  • history.txt

    • Stores upto 20 used commands