
Website and data repository a directory of ancient metagenomic labs

Primary LanguageCSS

Ancient Metagenomic Labs



This is a SPAAM community curated list of ancient metagenomics labs.

The purpose of this list to promote further collaboration between labs by making labs working in ancient metagenomics more visible.

We hope this will help with identifying: potential collaborators, thesis committee and publication reviewers, and also potential future academic employers.

👍 To submit a new lab, please submit using the form here or contact James Fellows Yates (jfy133 [at] gmail.com).

👎 If you wish your lab to be removed from this list, please contact James Fellows Yates (jfy133 [at] gmail.com). Labs are only included if they already have a web presence.

🛈 Multiple labs may exist within a single institution

Table of Ancient Metagenomics Labs

Last updated: 2023-10-09


  • ✅: Active
  • ❎: Inactive (in ancient metagenomics)
  • 🚚: Moved (see new institution on list)

Rendered by CSV to HTML Table by Derek Eder under a MIT license

Technical Information

Updating the table instructions are as follows:

  1. Update data/ancient-metagenomics-labs.csv
    • Make sure it's in alphabetical order based on ID of the lab
    • The ID of the lab can be shared if different groups using the same laboratory facilities (e.g. multiple groups in a department)
  2. Run the GEOJson command below
  3. Update the Last updated section in the README above

The GEOjson file used for map rendering by GitHub is generated using the csv2geojson tool using the following command

csv2geojson data/ancient-metagenomics-labs.csv --lat Latitude --lon Longitude > data/ancient-metagenomics-labs_mapdata.geojson

When updating the table, make sure to add 'last updated' sentence above the table.

Note: the GEOJson rendering is not working for reasons unknown.

<script> function format_link(link) { if (link) return "" + link + ""; else return ""; } CsvToHtmlTable.init({ csv_path: 'data/ancient-metagenomics-labs.csv', element: 'table-container', allow_download: true, csv_options: {separator: ',', delimiter: '"'}, datatables_options: {"paging": false, "columns.width": "90%", "columns": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {"visible": false}, {"visible": false} ] }, custom_formatting: [[5, format_link]] }); </script> <style> .btn-info { background-color: #FFFFFF; border-color: #732a82; font-family: 'Varela Round', sans-serif; border-radius: 2rem; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } .btn-info:hover { font-family: 'Varela Round', sans-serif; background-color: #732a82; } </style>