
A web application for tracking and visualizing bicycle accidents, near misses, hazards, and thefts.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



A SPARLab project.

A database driven webapp that allows users to submit cycling collisions, near misses, hazards, and thefts. Data is analyzed to detect areas/routes with high traffic and rates of incidents.

  • Python 3.6
  • Postgres 13 + PostGIS
  • psycopg2 2.8.6
  • Django 3.1.7
Quick Set Up

The development settings require a Postgres database called "bikeDB" accessible by user "postgres" that is not password protected. Be sure to add the postGIS extension. From the terminal, run:

createdb -U postgres bikeDB
psql -U postgres -d bikeDB -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Syncing the tables from the Django app requires running

./manage.py makemigrations
./manage.py migrate

A full list of required python packages can be found in requirements.txt and can be installed via pip pip install -r requirements.txt

If all dependencies have been met, running ./manage.py runserver should start the development server at

Note: There are additional requirements for serving this application in a production setting, and the relevant Django documentation should be consulted in this scenario. This repo does not provide production settings for security reasons.

Detailed Set Up

For a more in depth tutorial on setting up the project, please refer to this additional documentation.

Data Output

For a more in depth tutorial on querying and exporting data, please refer to the additional documentation.

  • Dr. Trisalyn Nelson (Project Lead)
  • Karen Laberee (Executive Director)
  • Finn Short (Developer)
  • Darren Boss (Developer)
  • Taylor Denouden (Developer)