
The Bibliometric Data Ontology (BiDO) is a modular OWL 2 ontology that allows the description of bibliometric data in RDF.

Bibliometric Data Ontology (BiDO)

The Bibliometric Data Ontology (BiDO) is a modular ontology that allows the description of numerical and categorical bibliometric data (e.g., journal impact factor, author h-index, categories describing research careers) in RDF.

URL: http://purl.org/spar/bido

Creators: Enrico Motta, Francesco Osborne, Silvio Peroni

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Website: http://www.sparontologies.net/ontologies/bido

Cite as: Osborne, F., Peroni, S., Motta, E. (2014). Clustering Citation Distributions for Semantic Categorization and Citation Prediction. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Linked Science (LISC 2014): 24–35. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1282/lisc2014_submission_9.pdf