
A lightweight SourcePawn editor.

Primary LanguageC#

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SPCode is an open source SourcePawn editor, with multiple tools and features designed to help you develop and deploy your SourceMod plugins fast and easy. It was born in 2015 under the name of SPEdit, and in early 2020, we took care of its development. Download it now!


  • Compiling-config system (fully customizable)
  • Syntax highlighting (fully customizable)
  • Deprecated 1.6 syntax highlighting
  • SourcePawn plugin templates (customizable)
  • Copying after/before compiling (& pre/post commandlines)
  • Dynamic autocomplete and IntelliSense-like functionalities from all opened include-files
  • FTP upload
  • Server start feature
  • Code folding
  • Editor docking
  • API references
  • Bracket highlighting
  • Auto-indentation (active and passive)
  • Errors/warnings list
  • Syntax reformatter (syntax tidy)
  • Auto-updating
  • Lysis Decompiler (by peace-maker)
  • SMX dissassembler
  • RCON querying
  • Auto bracket-closing
  • Object browser
  • Translations in multiple languages



1- Build the program: msbuild Spcode.csproj /p:Configuration=Release
2- Create the installer with makensis .\bin\Release\SPCode.nsi
3- Create the portable version running .\Compress.ps1 with PowerShell
4- Build the updater: msbuild Deploy\SpcodeUpdater\SpcodeUpdater.csproj /p:Configuration=Release
