A Script to fix the Throttle and Mixture problem with Airfoillabs Cessna 172 and custome build quadrants
If you are having issues with you custom build throttles and mixture quadrants when using the Airfoillabs Cessna 172, the attached LUA script will fix the problem.
Airfoillabs is using custom DataRefs to update throttles (C172/cockpit/ped/throttle) and overrides the standard one (sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/throttle_ratio)
I wrote a LUA script to read the throttle value before it is updated and override the custom data ref with the value
You need the FlyWithLua plugin (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/), put the attached script in the "Scripts" folder
It should work automatically 😄
If you want details on the values, you can change the value of the "DEBUG" variable to "true" to show a debug window
I tested it successfully on my Macbook Pro M1 with a custom quadrant using SimVimX
The script is updating only if the vendor of the Aircraft is "Airfoillabs", I only own the Cessna 172 Digital. I don't know if it works on other airplanes.