Arceus UI

Create your own exclusive Arceus X script with our UI Library in 3 steps!

⚠️ The script will run exclusively in Arceus X executor.

  1. Include the library in a new variable ArceusUI by loading the following url via loadstring:
local ArceusUI = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  1. Setup the UI with the following functions:

Setting up the Title with :SetTitle

rich-text ✅

⚠️ No returned parameters.


Type Description
1 String The UI title


ArceusUI:SetTitle("Arceus X <font color='rgb(255, 0, 0)'>|</font> MyScript")

Setting up the Script logo with :SetLogo

⚠️ Script logo is located to the bottom-right corner when the ui is closed, this is not the arceus logo.

⚠️ This function will download and save the image as file

⚠️ No returned parameters.


Type Description
1 String Name and Extention of the file
2 String Url of the image


ArceusUI:SetLogo("MyLogo.png", "https://mywebsite/myimage.png")

Adding a Button with :AddButton

rich-text ✅

⚠️ The position of the button depends on how many elements you have already added.


Type Passed arguments Description
1 String Text of the button
2 Function Any ( ... ) The code of the button
3 Any ( ... ) Extra arguments passed to the function when pressed

Returned values:

Type Description
1 ImageButton Button element with its children


local myButton = ArceusUI:AddButton("MyButton", function(...)
    local extraValues = {...}
end, myExtraValues)

❗ Note that myExtraValues and ... can be unused.

Adding a Toggle button with :AddToggle

rich-text ✅

⚠️ The position of the Toggle button depends on how many elements you have already added.


Type Passed arguments Description
1 String Text of the combo box
2 Function Boolean, Any ( ... ) The combo box code where the first argument is the toggle status
3 Boolean Starter status of the toggle
4 Any ( ... ) Extra arguments passed to the function when status changed

Returned values:

Type Description
1 ImageButton Button element with its children


local myToggle = ArceusUI:AddToggle("MyToggle", function(myStatus, ...)
    local extraValues = {...}
    print("Toggle status:", myStatus)
end, myExtraValues)

❗ Note that myExtraValues and ... can be unused.

Adding a Combo box with :AddComboBox

rich-text ✅

⚠️ The position of the combo box depends on how many elements you have already added.


Type Passed arguments Description
1 String Text of the combo box
2 Table Array of strings The combo box options
3 Function String, Any ( ... ) The combo box code where the first argument is the choosed option
4 Any ( ... ) Extra arguments passed to the function when an option is choosed

Returned values:

Type Description
1 ImageButton Button element with its children


local myCombo = ArceusUI:AddComboBox("MyCombo", {"MyOption1", "MyOption2"}, function(myChoice, ...)
    local extraValues = {...}
    print("Combo selection:", myChoice)
end, myExtraValues)

❗ Note that myExtraValues and ... can be unused.

Adding a Numeric Up-Down with :AddUpDown

rich-text ✅

⚠️ The position of the up-down depends on how many elements you have already added.


Type Passed arguments Description
1 String Text of the up-down
2 Function Number, Any ( ... ) The up-down code where the first argument is the numeric value
3 Number Start value, default is 1
4 Number Increment value, default is 1
5 Number Minimum value, default is -math.huge
6 Number Maximum value, default is math.huge
7 Any ( ... ) Extra arguments passed to the function when the value is updated

Returned values:

Type Description
1 Frame Frame element with its children


local myUpDown = ArceusUI:AddComboBox("MyUpDown", function(myNumericValue, ...)
    local extraValues = {...}
    print("UpDown value:", myNumericValue)
end, 0, 1, 0, 10, myExtraValues) -- Starts at 0, increment by 1 each time, min 0 and max 10

❗ Note that myExtraValues and ... can be unused.

3. Manage and display the UI:

Getting the UI path with :Parent()

❓ Usefull to add extra UI elements OUTSIDE of the Main Frame.

⚠️ No parameters.

Returned values:

Type Description
1 ScreenGui The GUI


local myNewFrame ="Frame")
myNewFrame.Parent = ArceusUI:Parent()

Destroying the UI with :Remove()

❓ Usefull if you want to remove the GUI from the game.

⚠️ No returned values.

⚠️ No parameters.



Start the UI with :Start()

❓ Required to dispaly the UI.

⚠️ No returned values.

⚠️ No parameters.



All credits to:

Riky47#3355 for