Python test for programming job candidates


Please complete the following Python test. You have 5 days, but you can of course submit the results earlier.

  1. Create a (free) GitHub account, if you do not have one
  2. Send your username to us, so we can add you to the repo. The time is counted from the moment we add you to the repo
  3. Fork this repo
  4. Perform a code review of the file Add Python comments (write directly into the file) suggesting improvements to the code. Discuss:
    1. The correctness of the code logic
    2. Which code parts can be written in a more “Pythonic” way
    3. Where is PEP8 formatting violated?
  5. Write unit tests for all functions in this file; make sure that they execute correctly and all tests pass. You might have to correct to make the tests pass.
  6. Submit your changes in form of a Pull Request (Submit within 5 days)