
Site of the SPECS Club

Please leave comments as you add any work
You can add anything new that doesn't violate the rules of The Masters School

v0.2 rc1 notes

github commit notes

added footer, navbar, github link, gradient. fixed typing animation.s

added mobile responsiveness (limited, only fixing height issues with typing with different screen aspect ratios)

NOTE: committing this will permanently put this work in CC BY SA.

This is a first draft. Add full mobile responsiveness and more content before merging pull request

known issues

  • mobile responsiveness
  • height issues regarding first panel alignment
  • navbar isn't opaque
  • you sometimes can't scroll back up from "What does SPECS stand for?"

updates needed

  • cards are really hard to add more then one line to. Maybe a rework is needed
  • there isn't any content lol
  • navbar might want to have different pages to nav to besides home and github page
  • maybe a section about the markers of the website? something to consider

v0.3 rc1 notes

github commit notes

  • Fixed the header, just switched the position to absolute. Added the description to SPECS, which should be changed later.
  • Added snow animation(copied and adjusted from open source)
  • New video game instead of "our projects".

known issues

  • Mobile responsiveness.

updates needed

  • Add more content to the clicker game.