Tor Transport pluggin for the paper: "Defeating DNN-Based Traffic Analysis Systems in Real-Time With Blind Adversarial Perturbations"
Based on obfs3
Step 0: Install Python
To use obfsproxy you will need Python (>= 2.7) and pip. If you use Debian testing (or unstable), or a version of Ubuntu newer than Oneiric, this is easy:
$ apt-get install python2.7 python-pip python-dev build-essential libgmp-dev
Step 1: Install Tor
You will also need a development version of Tor. To do this, you should use the following guide to install tor and
You need Tor 0.2.4.x because it knows how to automatically report your obfsproxy address to BridgeDB.
Step 2: Install nnmorph
If you have pip, installing obfsproxy and its dependencies should be a matter of a single command:
$ python install
Step 3: Setup Tor
Now setup Tor. Edit your /etc/tor/torrc to add:
SocksPort 0
ORPort 443 # or some other port if you already run a webserver/skype
BridgeRelay 1
Exitpolicy reject *:*
## CHANGEME_1 -> provide a nickname for your bridge, can be anything you like
#Nickname CHANGEME_1
## CHANGEME_2 -> provide some email address so we can contact you if there's a problem
#ContactInfo CHANGEME_2
ServerTransportPlugin nnmorph exec /usr/local/bin/obfsproxy managed