
Starter for installing dependencies and MobSF

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

MobSF Starter

Starter for installing dependencies and MobSF


Development Commands

cmd description
make format Format the source code
make build Build a binary file from source
make test Run tests according to spec

To quickly test out command without building a binary:

# setup command
crystal run ./src/mobsf.cr setup

# update command
crystal run ./src/mobsf.cr update

# help command
crystal run ./src/mobsf.cr -h



  • After giving the binary permission to execute, simply run ./mobsf-installer --help to explore the commands

  • For quick installation, run ./mobsf-installer setup --setup-type=all

  • In case the binary cannot be run, run the following command before running the binary

sudo apt-get install libevent-2.1