
returnStats() does not provide solidification times, only nucleation temperatures

Closed this issue · 4 comments

When using the returnStats() function to save the simulation outcome, an empty file is generated when selecting the solidification times. On the other hand, extracting the nucleation temperatures does work fine.


The same issue is observed when using the solidificationTimes() function


I'm tempted to assign you to this problem, @ltdeck so that you can dabble around in the code :D

Btw, per convention, functions prefixed by a _ are not meant to be used by endusers, although they are not truly private, either. (__ prefix is when you're serious about it, even if then users still can access the method if they truly want to, the name is just mangled)

@ltdeck when you fix it please commit and push the change next time ;) I did it now and will close