
Set of quick and dirty python scripts I wrote to automate certain repetitive things I had to do in salesforce

Primary LanguagePython

Salesforce Related Python Scripts

Set of quick and dirty python scripts I wrote to automate certain repetitive things I had to do in salesforce.

Very often I was required to fetch stuff like list of all required fields on a layout, list of validation rules that were were based on a certain validation rule, find mapped names in a report type. Most of these tasks can be done quickly by taking a "retrieve" of the objects, report types etc and parse the retrieved metadata.

This repo contains some of those scripts I wrote. These aren't the neatest and most efficient codes but they got the job done for me. Will try and improve them over time.

Brief Descriptions

picklists.py - Find all picklist values for an object

validations.py - Finds all validation rules for an object based on their error condition formula

pagelayout_style_changer.py - Sets styles of sections based on the set criteria to Two Columns Left To right for all page layouts in a folder.

required_fields.py - Finds all required fields at page layout levels for objects across all their page layouts. reporttypenames.py creates a mapping of fields in a custom report type with their api names and labels.