
A collection of apex classes that can be useful for development on the salesforce platform

Primary LanguageApexMIT LicenseMIT

Apex Utilities


This repository contains a number of reusable components that can be used accross Apex development projects. You can pick and chose which components will be useful to your project


The simplest installation option would be to install the unlocked package using one of the following links

  1. Production
  2. Sandbox

Alternatively this can be done in the command line using sfdx force:package:install --package 04t1n000002KQceAAG


  • Assert:
    • Description: The assert class is a utility to help in test classes, any additional assert functions can be added in here as static methods, this class is annotated with @isTest as it is a mostly untestable due to the assert statement inside it.
    • Usage: Assert.pageMessage('The page message you wish to assert')
  • Logger:
    • Description: This class is used to control logging in the system, it provides an adapter so logging can be easily swapped out whenever needed, within the class it has provided a wrapper for the debug logs to allow logs written to this and a logger for the page messages.
    • Usage:
Logger log = new Logger(new DebugLogAdapter());
log.warn('A warning is here');
try {
    insert new Account();
} catch (DmlException exceptionToHandle) {
  • BulkLogObjectAdapter:
    • Description: This class allows logging against an sobject defined in the system. This is defined as a singleton so that logs can be inserted once during a transaction
    • Usage:
Logger log = new Logger(BulkLogObjectAdapter.getInstance('Integration'));
log.warn('A warning message');
  • ApexProfiler:
    • Description: This class is used by the logging framework to log out the limits in apex when limits are approched
    • Usage: See BulkLogObjectAdapter for details
  • LoggedSchedulable:
    • Description: This is a wrapper arround the standard Schedulable class which utilises the logging framework to remove the need for users to remember to call the write logs at the end of the class
    • Usage: Works in a similar way to how Schedulable works
  • LoggedQueueable:
    • Description:This is a wrapper arround the standard Queueable class which utilises the logging framework to remove the need for users to remember to call the write logs at the end of the class
    • Usage: Works in a similar way to how Queueable works
  • QueueableScheduler:
    • Description: This class handles scheduling of queuable classes, this extends the LoggedQueueable and simply takes in a queuable and will then run it
    • Usage:
QueueableScheduler scheduler = new QueueableScheduler(new MyQueueable());
  • DateUtils:
    • Description: This class is used as a replacement for the standard Date.today() and Datetime.now() methods, which will allow for the current date / datetime to be set dynamically in test classes, which can help for any time / date dependant actions.
    • Usage: See DateUtilsTest class
  • StringBuilder:
    • Description: This class is intended to be similar to the java StringBuilder, it allows strings to be dynamically constructed but only assigned at the point that it needs to be.
    • Usage:
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
for (Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  • CsvBuilder:
    • Description: This class is used to build a Csv dynamically, it is a sub-class to the StringBuilder
    • Usage: See CsvBuilderTest class
  • SchemaFacade:
    • Description: This is a facade for the schema describe functions to make accessing the schema much easier within apex. It is implemented as a sigleton so that it can perform some form of cacheing, this probably isn't nessisary as I think salesforce implements cacheing on the schema methods anyway, but this is just to be safe
    • Usage:
SchemaFacade schema = SchemaFacade.getInstance();
DescribeSObjectResult accountDescribe = schema.getDescribe('Account');

DescribeFieldResult fieldDescribe = schema.getFieldDescribe('Account', 'Name');
  • SObjectWrapper:
    • Description: This is a wrapper around the SObject class that its primary function is to be able to retrieve parent fields dynamically
    • Usage:
Account myContact = [SELECT Account.Name FROM Contact LIMIT 1];
SObjectWrapper wrappedContact = new SObjectWrapper(myContact);
String accountName = (String) wrappedContact.get('Account.Name');
  • SecureSObjectWrapper:
    • Description: This is a wrapper around the SObject class that will enforce FLS when accessing and setting fields on the SObject record
    • Usage: See SecureSObjectWrapperTest for examples
  • DisplayTypeParser:
    • Description: This is a class that can be used to parse field values, if the target field is known this can be used to ensure the field value is correct
    • Usage:
DescribeFieldResult field = Account.NumberOfEmployees.getDescribe(); // this would be more dynamic
Parsable parser = new DisplayTypeParser(field.getType());

Account newAccount = new Account();
newAccount.put(field.getName(), parser.parse('100'));
  • AbstractSObjectTestFactory:
    • Description: This is a factory class that can be used in test classes to generate sobject test data
    • Usage: see AccountTestFactory for details
  • DatabaseUtils:
    • Description: This class is a collection of classes that are used on the Database class
    • Usage: See DatabaseUtils for details
  • ConfigurationManager:
    • Description: This uses a custom setting underneath that will allow callers to programatically disable triggers, workflows, process builders and validation rules through code. This requires all new configurations to include a catch as the first line so that they can all be turned off. If you are using some form of a trigger framework the catch can be added in there so that this doesn't need to be remembered by all developers when adding new triggers. The class is mostly useful for turning off automation while setting up test data in test classes so that you can fully test your classes
    • Usage:
// inside a test setup method
insert new Account(Name = 'Test');
// set up some other test data
  • DeletionValidator:

    • Description: This class can be used to block deletion on objects that arent covered by profile permissions (eg ContentVersion). This can then be set utilising the Configuration__c custom setting
    • Usage: A before delete trigger should be created on any object that the deletion should be blocked on with this class as the initial triggerable action.
  • Trigger Framework:

    • Description: This trigger framework focuses around single trigger per object per action, each trigger will be in the format {ObjectName}{Action} (eg AccountBeforeInsert). Each trigger will call directly into the TriggerHandler.performAllActions() method passing in a list of actions you wish to perform.
    • Usage:
trigger OpportunityBeforeInsert on Opportunity (before insert) {
        new List<Triggerable>{
            new MyFirstAction(),
            new MySecondAction()
  • SObjectRecordTypes
    • Description: This class can be used as an interface with interacting with an SObjects record types, this is essentially abstracting away some of the details that you can get to from the Schema classes.
    • Usage:
SObjectRecordTypes opportunityRecordTypes = new SObjectRecordTypes('Opportunity');
Id bigSaleRecordTypeId = opportunityRecordTypes.getRecordTypeId('Big_Sale')


  • Add something that generates the readme based on the class headers