Open space map

This project realize web service to create business rooms map. It provides abilities to create, modificate and see realized map. This repository contain only FrontEnd part.


  • Create interactive map;
  • Map modification;
  • Show map;
  • Items searching on map;
  • Item information.
  • Roles levels
    • Administrator:
      • Map creation
      • Map modification
      • Preview
    • User:
      • Map view

Interactive elements:

  • Zones (labels marked: work place, meeting place)
  • Window
  • Wall LED light
  • Printer
  • Employee
  • Fire hydrant
  • Vending
  • Cash machine
  • ??? Door ???
  • ??? Cabinets ???
  • add: Custom elements

Additional information for items:

Place info:
  • Place type (cabinet, zone, meeting place)
  • Place number (name)
  • Square parameters(width, height, square, wall length)
  • Place type (label)
  • Employee amount
  • ??? Inner cabinet ???
  • ??? Meeting room - name, description ???
Work place info:
  • Printer (printer name, description)
  • add: Work place items list (Item name, short description)
Employee information:
  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Work post
Vending machine:
  • Machine type (Coffee machine \ product vending)
Cash machine:
  • Owner (Sber, Alfa bank, Ros bank, ...)