Flutter Laboratory

Flutter Laboratory is an enhanced version of the Dart DevTools suite that offers a variety of debugging features. This README will focus on utilizing Flutter Laboratory Logging Feature for advanced logging and monitoring capabilities


  • Logging


  • Make sure you have Flutter Laboratory installed and configured. Refer to the official Flutter Laboratory documentation for installation instructions.


  1. Start your Dart or Flutter application in debug mode.

  2. Open Flutter Laboratory in your web browser by navigating to the provided deeplink URL or launching it from your IDE.

  3. Locate the "Logging" tab within Flutter Laboratory.

  4. Within your application code, use your logging as usual using the print function or dart:developer log function to print your objects.

  5. Customize the log levels, log messages, and additional metadata as required by your application. Make sure to use meaningful log messages to aid in debugging and troubleshooting.

  6. As your application runs, the logging statements will generate output in the Flutter Laboratory Logging tab. You can filter and search logs, toggle log levels, and customize log display options.

  7. Utilize the advanced logging capabilities of Flutter Laboratory to analyze and monitor your application's behavior. You can identify issues, track the flow of execution, and gain insights into the logged information.

  8. Experiment with various log levels, including debug, info, warning, and error, to differentiate the severity of log entries. (Coming Soon)


Contributions to Flutter Laboratory are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or would like to contribute new features, please refer to the project's GitHub repository for guidelines on contributing and submitting pull requests.