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LDAP Authenticator

This package adds quick support for LDAP authentication. It includes support for Laravel 5.


composer require berg/ldap-authenticator

Laravel Config

This package comes with a driver to support quick setup using Laravel 5. To set up, first install the package and then register the driver by placing the following code in the AppServiceProvider's boot method:

Auth::extend('ldap', function($app) {
    $userProvider = new LdapUserProvider();
    return new Guard($userProvider, $app->make('Illuminate\Session\Store'));

Then create a file named ldap.php in the config/ folder. The file should return an array with the following values:

'hostname' => '',
'port' => '',
'security' => '', // E.g. SSL
'bind_dn' => '',
'bind_password' => '',
'base_dn' => '',
'group_dn' => '',
'search_scope' => ''

Lastly set the driver in the config/auth.php file to ldap.

If you wish to use the class for non-authentication tasks such as checking if a user exists, you may also use the built in service provider by adding the following line to the app.php config file:



Once set up, using the Auth::attempt($username, $password) will automatically call on the ldap driver.

To use the service provider, call App::make('LdapAuthenticateService')


This package uses exceptions to handle invalid logins. The following errors are used:


If using Laravel, these should be added to the $dontReport property in the Handler class. Custom handling of each exception can be added to the Handler->render() method.